The Best Tips For Making Your Resolutions Stick

For many, New Year’s resolutions serve as the perfect starting point for making positive changes in your life. You set goals, you’re doing the work to achieve them—but at some point, the excitement wanes. So, what happens when the newness of your reinvented habits wears off? You have to do a little work to keep the momentum going.
Don’t worry—you don’t have to do it alone. We’ve got you covered with some awesome tips that will help you stay on track and engaged with your goals.

Stay Consistent

First of all, give yourself a big pat on the back for making your resolutions stick thus far! That’s an accomplishment in and of itself. However, in order to shift your resolution behavior into a lifestyle—you’ll need to remain consistent. Whether you’re working towards losing weight or you’re training for a race, the key is to renew your commitment to your goal each day. If you don’t, setbacks become much harder to bounce back from as the distance between you and your goals gets wider. You’ve worked so hard to cultivate healthy habits, let daily reminders of your goal keep you going.
If you’re struggling to create a fitness routine that works, don’t miss these helpful recommendations.

Set Monthly Goals

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle, but they can be daunting at the same time. It might be unrealistic to expect yourself to completely upend your current lifestyle in exchange for a new and improved you. The truth is giving yourself smaller goals to focus on that ladder up to your greater goal is a helpful way to make your resolutions stick as you’ll be able to see progress more tangibly. Setting monthly goals also helps keep you accountable by working towards more frequent milestones. If you aren’t seeing the progress you’d like to see, you’ll be able to pivot quicker and make healthy happen in a way that works for you!

Switch Up Your Workout Routine

You’ve set monthly goals, you’ve been maintaining consistency—but somehow things are feeling a little flat during your workouts. Don’t get discouraged! The key to keeping the momentum going in your health journey is to keep things fresh! Making your resolutions stick is hard but switching up your workout routine is an easy way to energize your goals.
Here are a few of our favorite workouts that will keep your gym time dynamic and fun! From ab workouts to ideas on how to spice up your treadmill time, there’s something for everyone.

Try New Post and Pre-Workout Snacks

No one wants to eat the same thing day in and day out, and the same goes for your workout fuel! Have you been curious about trying a new protein bar? Is there a new pre-workout drink you’ve wanted to give a go? Do it! By shaking things up in your day-to-day, you’ll look forward to the change of pace rather than resent the monotony you otherwise may experience.