10 of the Worst Foods for Your Heart

The choices that we make about what we eat can have a significant effect on our health. There are certain foods that keep our heart health. On the other hand, there are certain foods that can damange your heart. To keep your heart healthy and happy, you need to stop eating these foods.
We eat a lot of foods rich in refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pizza and rice. These foods increase the likelihood of developing heart diseases. The carbs in these foods get quickly absorbed into the bloodstream rather.

Regular as well as diet sodas can be harmful to your heart. These are loaded with sugar besides saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium. Moreover, soda drinks can cause insulin levels to increase, thus spiking your chances of a heart attack.

Homemade popcorn is no doubt a healthy choice but most of the microwaved popcorn available in the market comes loaded with trans fats, the type of fat that raises "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and lowers "good" (HDL) cholesterol.

Dairy foods such as yoghurt, milk and cheese can all be healthful but only if you choose the right ones. The full-fat versions of these products can raise your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and cause trouble for your heart.

Many of us consider red meat over other meats thinking it to be healthy, but it isn’t when you include it as a part of your regular diet. You may enjoy it in moderation. To keep your heart healthy, consider red meat like a treat meal (not more than two times a week).

Most pizzas have a high amount of saturated fat and not to forget, sodium. It can cause a lot of trouble to your heart. You can, however, consider making a healthier pizza at home with whole wheat thin crust, lean meat, fresh veggies and low-fat cheese. 

Those fat burgers are full of calories, thanks to the processed meat, full-fat cheese and white flour bun. It may satiate your hunger but can give a tough time to your heart.

Sausage is an awful food choice because it is not only loaded with bad fats and preservatives, but also sodium. These can increase your cholesterol, up blood pressure and clog the arteries.

Soups are believed to be healthful, but there are some that can take a toll on your heart. Some of the canned soups contain sodium in heavy quantity which accumulates in your blood, increasing blood volume. Those with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease must avoid canned soups to keep pressure off arteries.

Loaded with sugar, most desserts will hurt your heart. The ingredients that make a dessert such as butter or margarine, shortening, cream, whole milk can be high in both artery-clogging saturated fat and cholesterol.